Pirates of Treasure Island - The Puzzle Adventure Game
Trial Version 1.02
(C) 2004 Arcade Lab / RL Vision - Website: http://www.arcadelab.com

Help Captain Gingerbeard and his crew to explore the ocean and find the legendary fortunes of Treasure Island. Enjoy beautiful animated graphics and catchy pirates music in this game with a unique combination of brick-matching puzzle and exciting adventure.

Trial Version

Pirates of Treasure Island is a shareware game available in 2 versions. A time-limited free trial version, and the full version with no time limitations and extra features.

This trial version can easily be upgraded to the full version from within the game or by visiting http://www.arcadelab.com

How to play

The goal of the game is to collect combinations of different coloured coins. When 3 or more coins lie next to each other you can click on them to remove them from the playfield. If you remove 5 or more coins in one click you get a combo, and lots of extra points!

Next to the puzzle playfield is the adventure window. Here you follow Captain Gingerbeard on a quest for Treasure Island. You control the moves of Captain Gingerbeard by clicking away coins in the puzzle playfield. Depending on what colour you click away, the Captain will make different moves. If you for example click on a yellow coin, the captain will walk up in the jungle. The action of each colour depends on the game mode you are playing.

There are many different game modes. How to play each mode is described to you when you play the game.

The bricks

  • Coins - Coins trigger events in the adventure window. What event depends on the current game mode. There is a compass in the upper right part of the screen that shows the current event for each coin.
    • Yellow coin - Up on the compass.
    • Green coin - Right on the compass.
    • Blue coin - Left on the compass.
    • Brown coin - Down on the compass.
  • Keys - If you move a key to the bottom of the playfield you can unlock treasure chests for bonus points!
  • Cannonball - Use the cannonballs to load your cannon before firing a broadside at enemy ships.
  • Steering Wheel - Wheels are removed one by one. They don't do anything, except on the world map, where they move your ship forward.
  • Bomb - The bomb will blow away all surrounding bricks (including keys and anchors).
  • Anchor - Anchors are obstacles that can only be removed by blowing them away with a bomb. It's also possible, although quite hard, to collect 3 anchors and click to remove them for lots of bonus points!
If you get stuck and don't have any more combinations on the puzzle playfield, you can click on the re-scramble button to get a new playield!


  • Single brick: 10 points
  • Combo (remove 5 or more coins): 1700+ points
  • Anchor combo (remove 3 anchors or more): 16,000+ points
  • Maze Fruit: 100 points
  • Maze Valuble: 250 points
  • Open Tresure Chest: 10,000 points
  • Defeat soldier in fencing: 500 points
  • Defeat officer in fencing: 2500 points
  • Hit ship with cannonball: 500 points
  • Sink ship: 2500 points
  • Hit fortress with cannonball: 500 points
  • Destroy fortress: 2500 points
  • Find the treasure of Treasure Island: ????? points!


Press the 'escape' key during the game to bring up the options screen. Here you can switch between fullscreen and window mode, show the current highscore, change music volume and turn the help on / off.

Game Over

In some game modes you must fight to survive. If you get hit by the enemy one of your crewmen will get hurt. One more hit and the crewman is lost. When all your crewmen are gone, the game is over.

When you come to a city you recruit new men for your ship! When the game is over you can restart the game from the last city you visited by choosing 'continue' from the title screen.


  • Look at the compass to see what events the different colours trigger.
  • Try to get large combos, as they can give you massive amount of points!
  • Ships and fortresses fire in patterns. Use this to your advantage!
  • Different game modes require different strategies. Try to think ahead and save combinations for the next game mode!
  • When fencing against an officer, you must use a brown colour combination just before he attacks, and then quickly counter-attack with another colour combination. Make sure you have enough combinations ready when you enter the fencing scene!
  • Using the rescramble buttons is tempting, but it will cost you 10,000 points, and you'll also loose all your keys...
  • When you come to the Treasure Island cave you must find the correct exit to get out of there!

System Requirements

  • Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP or higher.
  • 200MHz processor (300MHz or more recommended).
  • 4MB graphics memory (8MB or more recommended).
  • 10 MB free hard drive space.
  • DirectX version 3 or above installed.

Note: Computers with only 4MB graphics memory may experience slowdowns. Switching between fullscreen and window mode may help this problem.


Pirates of Treasure Island is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. Arcade Lab can not be held responsible for any damage whatsoever, direct or indirect, caused by the software.